Underrated And Easy Sex Positions Everyone Should Try

Looking to add some excitement to your intimate moments? Whether you're looking to switch things up or explore new sensations, there are plenty of options to consider. From trying new positions to incorporating toys or exploring different forms of pleasure, there's something for everyone. If you're ready to take things to the next level, why not consider exploring the pleasures of anal play? It's a topic that's often overlooked, but it can open up a whole new world of pleasure for both you and your partner. So, if you're curious to learn more, check out this helpful guide on exploring the pleasures of anal play in BDSM and see if it's something you'd like to incorporate into your love life.

When it comes to sex, many people tend to stick to the tried and true positions that they know and love. However, there are a plethora of underrated and easy sex positions that everyone should try at least once. These positions can add variety and excitement to your sex life, and they are perfect for both beginners and experienced partners. In this article, we will explore some of the most underrated and easy sex positions that everyone should try.

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The Spooning Position

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The spooning position is a classic and underrated sex position that is perfect for intimate and sensual moments. To try this position, both partners lie on their sides, with one partner behind the other. The partner in front can then lift their top leg slightly to allow for easier access, while the partner behind can use their hands to explore and stimulate their partner's body. This position is perfect for slow, passionate sex and allows for plenty of intimate eye contact and kissing.

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The Lotus Position

The lotus position is a beautiful and underrated sex position that requires a bit of flexibility, but is worth the effort. To try this position, the receiving partner sits on the bed with their legs crossed while the penetrating partner straddles them. This position allows for deep penetration and intense eye contact, making it perfect for intimate and romantic moments. The lotus position also allows for plenty of kissing and touching, making it a great option for couples looking to connect on a deeper level.

The Standing Doggy Style Position

The standing doggy style position is a fun and underrated sex position that adds a new level of excitement to your sex life. To try this position, the receiving partner bends over a piece of furniture or leans against a wall, while the penetrating partner stands behind them. This position allows for deep penetration and can be incredibly pleasurable for both partners. The standing doggy style position is also perfect for quickies and spontaneous moments of passion, making it a great option for couples looking to spice things up in the bedroom.

The Butterfly Position

The butterfly position is a unique and underrated sex position that is perfect for couples looking to add variety to their sex life. To try this position, the receiving partner lies on their back with their hips raised slightly, while the penetrating partner kneels in front of them. This position allows for deep penetration and plenty of clitoral stimulation, making it a great option for couples looking to maximize pleasure. The butterfly position also allows for plenty of eye contact and kissing, making it perfect for couples looking to connect on a deeper level.

The Seated Scissors Position

The seated scissors position is an underrated and easy sex position that is perfect for couples looking to try something new. To try this position, both partners sit facing each other, with their legs spread wide and intertwined. This position allows for deep penetration and plenty of clitoral stimulation, making it perfect for couples looking to maximize pleasure. The seated scissors position also allows for plenty of eye contact and kissing, making it a great option for couples looking to connect on a deeper level.

In conclusion, there are a plethora of underrated and easy sex positions that everyone should try at least once. These positions can add variety and excitement to your sex life, and they are perfect for both beginners and experienced partners. Whether you're looking for intimate and sensual moments or something more adventurous, there is a sex position out there for everyone. So why not give one of these underrated positions a try and spice things up in the bedroom? You might just discover a new favorite!