How To Initiate Sex: How 21 Women Initiate Sex

Looking to spice things up in the bedroom? We've got you covered with 21 sizzling tips for initiating intimacy. Whether you're in a long-term relationship or just starting to explore your sexual desires, these tips are sure to ignite the passion. From setting the mood to trying out new positions, there's something for everyone. So, why wait? Check out these tips and take your intimacy to the next level today! And for even more ways to heat things up, be sure to check out some Ahegao porn games at Dating Tales.

When it comes to initiating sex, many people believe that it's primarily the man's job. However, women can and do initiate sex just as often as men do. In fact, many women have their own unique ways of initiating intimacy with their partners. To shed some light on this topic, we surveyed 21 women to find out how they initiate sex. Here's what they had to say.

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Setting the Mood

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For many women, setting the mood is key to initiating sex. This can involve anything from lighting candles and playing soft music to giving their partner a sensual massage. One woman mentioned that she likes to surprise her partner by wearing lingerie under her clothes, while another said she enjoys cooking a special dinner to show her partner how much she cares.

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Verbal Communication

Communication is crucial in any relationship, especially when it comes to initiating sex. Many women expressed that they prefer to communicate their desires through verbal cues. This can range from whispering sweet nothings in their partner's ear to outright telling them what they want. One woman mentioned that she likes to leave her partner flirty notes or texts throughout the day to build anticipation.

Physical Touch

Physical touch is another common way women initiate sex. This can involve anything from giving their partner a lingering kiss to running their hands through their partner's hair. One woman mentioned that she likes to initiate sex by simply cuddling with her partner and letting things naturally progress from there.


For some women, spontaneity is the name of the game when it comes to initiating sex. This can involve anything from initiating sex in unexpected places, such as the kitchen or the shower, to surprising their partner with a quick make-out session when they least expect it. One woman mentioned that she likes to initiate sex by initiating a spontaneous dance session with her partner, which often leads to more intimate moments.

Initiating Through Acts of Service

Some women prefer to initiate sex through acts of service. This can involve anything from doing something special for their partner, such as running them a bubble bath or bringing them breakfast in bed, to taking care of household chores so that their partner can relax and unwind. One woman mentioned that she likes to initiate sex by giving her partner a relaxing massage after a long day at work.


Playfulness can be a fun and lighthearted way to initiate sex. This can involve anything from playfully teasing their partner to initiating a tickle fight that leads to more intimate moments. One woman mentioned that she likes to initiate sex by challenging her partner to a game or competition, such as a round of strip poker or a friendly bet.

Initiating Through Eye Contact

Eye contact can be a powerful way to initiate sex. Many women mentioned that they like to initiate sex by making prolonged and meaningful eye contact with their partner. This can convey a sense of desire and intimacy without saying a word. One woman mentioned that she likes to initiate sex by giving her partner a seductive gaze from across the room, which often leads to more intimate moments.

In conclusion, there are countless ways that women initiate sex, and each woman has her own unique style. Whether it's setting the mood, communicating verbally, initiating through physical touch, embracing spontaneity, initiating through acts of service, being playful, or initiating through eye contact, it's clear that women are just as capable of initiating sex as men are. By understanding and appreciating the various ways that women initiate sex, men can better understand their partner's desires and create a more fulfilling and intimate connection.